MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate

10:00 AMRAP

45-Second Ski (or Row)

10 Roll and Reach

10 Iron Cross

10 Scorpions

10 Downward Dog to Seal Pose

2. Workout Prep

2 sets:

5/4 Calorie Ski

5 GHD’s

5 V-Ups


ALL: PART 1 (5 Rounds for time)

5 sets: (1:1)

12/10 Calorie Ski (Or Row)

10 GHD’s (Or Stick Sit Ups)

12/10 Calorie Ski (Or Row)

10 V-Ups

-rest at least 3:00 before beginning accessory –
Target time each set: 2:15-2:30

Time cap each set: 3 minutes

These are intended to give you a great “pump” for the day. They are a mix of bodybuilding-type movements, some CrossFit style structure and/or movements, and aerobic work.

The intensity is designed just to be MODERATE! It is so we can come and do a workout to get a “pump,” sweat some, and get out of breath.

Approach each movement consistently to help keep a steady workflow without over-resting or blowing up your core.

PART 2 (Weight)

4 rounds:

15 Pulse Ups

60 sec Superman Hold

30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (left overhead/right farmer hold)

30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (right overhead/left farmer hold)

*Rest 2 minutes b/t rounds
