MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate

Every 45 seconds (5 sets)

125m Row

– into –

3-4 sets (10:00 time cap)

10 PVC pass-throughs

5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts

5 High Hang Muscle Snatch

5 Snatch Push Press

5 Power Snatch

3. Workout Prep

2 sets:

5 Back Squats (build in weight)

5 Sit Ups


Power Snatch

Every 1:00 (5:00)

5 Power Snatch (50-55%)(Singles)

-rest 1:00-

Every 1:00 (5:00)

3 Power Snatch (60-65%)(Singles)

-rest 1:00-

Every 30-seconds (5:00)

1 Power Snatch (70-75%)


COMP: Metcon (Time)

Tabata (20 secs on/10 secs off)

100 Back Squats (95/65)

-straight into-

100 Abmat Sit Ups

* The sit-ups are not a tabata.
Stimulus for today’s workout is moderate intensity with a strong mental push on the back squats. You will be battling the leg burn with this, so go lighter than you think to allow for constant movement during the 20 seconds on. You don’t have to rack the weight every time. This can cause over-resting or lost time within the 20 seconds of work.

BIG CHALLENGE is to see if you can go the whole workout without racking the bar.

Use a rack or from the ground. Athletes will have 20 seconds to hit as many squats as possible, followed by a 10-second rest. They will continue going back and forth with 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest until they have completed 100 total reps of Back Squats. The abmat sit-ups are straight through (no Tabata).

This workout is scored by total time. We recommend using a running clock (no intervals) to allow you to record their time accurately.

FIT: Metcon (Time)

Tabata (20 secs on/10 secs off)

100 Back Squats (75/55)


100 Abmat Sit Ups
Stimulus for today’s workout is moderate intensity with a strong mental push on the back squats. You will be battling the leg burn with this, so go lighter than you think to allow for constant movement during the 20 seconds on. You don’t have to rack the weight every time. This can cause over-resting or lost time within the 20 seconds of work.

BIG CHALLENGE is to see if you can go the whole workout without racking the bar.

Use a rack or from the ground. Athletes will have 20 seconds to hit as many squats as possible, followed by a 10-second rest. They will continue going back and forth with 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest until they have completed 100 total reps of Back Squats. The abmat sit-ups are straight through (no Tabata).

This workout is scored by total time. We recommend using a running clock (no intervals) to allow you to record their time accurately.