MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate

2 sets

10 Banded Walk Forward

10 banded Walks Backwards

20 Side Steps


3 sets:

8 Hang Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (light)

8 Step Back Lunges

3 Inch Worms

30 Single Unders


COMP: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

15:00 AMRAP


Alt Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

Dumbbell Step Back Lunges (50/35)

-in remaining time-

Max Rounds:

2 Wall Walks

50 Double Unders

* Score is the max rounds and reps of Wall Walks and Double Unders
Target number of Rounds: 5+ Rounds

Minimum number of Rounds before scaling: 3 rounds

Ascending rep schemes are always harder to judge, so we want to see a steady and consistent pace. Know in the back of your mind that rounds/sets only take longer as you go, so be methodical with every movement and breathe. Once complete, attack the remaining minutes with a quick amrap of jump rope and wall walks.

FIT: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15:00 AMRAP


Alt Dumbbell Snatches (35/25)

Dumbbell Step Back Lunges (35/25)

-in remaining time-

Max Rounds:

1 Wall Walk

35 Double Unders
* Score is the max rounds and reps of Wall Walks and Double Unders

Target number of Rounds: 5+ Rounds

Minimum number of Rounds before scaling: 3 rounds

Ascending rep schemes are always harder to judge, so we want to see a steady and consistent pace. Know in the back of your mind that rounds/sets only take longer as you go, so be methodical with every movement and breathe. Once complete, attack the remaining minutes with a quick amrap of jump rope and wall walks.

BURN: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15:00 AMRAP


Alt Hang Dumbbell Snatches (light)

Dumbbell Box Step Up (light)

-in remaining time-

Max Rounds:

2 Inch Worms

35 Single Unders

Accessory Work

Metcon (Weight)

3 sets

10-15 Hip Extensions

10 Bulgarian Split Squats (each)

10 Landmine Press (each)