MobTown CrossFit – Kong Conditioning
Core Work
3 x 10 pike leg lifts
3 x 10 legs spread leg lifts
Watch from 0:00 – 3:10 of video for demonstration
4 Rounds, not for time
:30 tuck hang from bar
10 Hollow hold and leg lower
:30 tuck hold on parallettes
10 tuck-ups
Be prepared to scale the pike and spread leg lifts! These are no joke!
100 Hollow Body Rocks (Time)
100 Hollow Body Rocks For Time
Anderson Front Squats (3 x 10)
Set up the J Hooks at or below the 90 degree mark of your squat.
Do NOT go heavy today. This is the 1st time we have done this lift. Focus on correct front squat form coming out of the bottom!