MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Tabata x 2 sets each of:

(20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest = 1 set)

– Single-Arm Plank

– Alternating Reverse Lunges

– Side Plank

– Air Squats

– Hollow Hold

– Plank Shoulder Taps

– V-Ups

– Jumping Squats

– Push Ups


COMP: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


4 Strict Pull-Ups

8 Parallette Shoot Throughs

16 Alternating Kettlebell Swings (53/35lb.)

*Every 6 rounds (3 per teammate), teams must run 400 meters together.
In teams of two, alternating full rounds, complete as many rounds and reps as possible

FIT: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


4 Pull-Ups

8 Parallette Shoot Throughs

16 Alternating Kettlebell Swings (35/26 lb.)

*Every 6 rounds (3 per teammate), teams must run 400 meters together.
In teams of two, alternating full rounds, complete as many rounds and reps as possible