MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)


2:00 Easy on Any Machine


Upper Body

1. Barbell Forearm Smash – 1:00/side

2. Banded Triceps Stretch – 1:00/side

3. Front Rack Stretch – 1:00

Lower Body

1. Banded Hamstsring Distraction – 1:00/side

2. Samson Stretch – 1:00/side

3. Pigeon on Box – 1:00/side


2 Rounds for Quality:

30 Seconds Each

Air Squats

Bent Over Rows

Hollow Hold

Romanian Deadlifts

Arch Hold

Pausing Front Squats

Scap Pull-ups

Strict Press and Reach

Movement Prep


5 Front Squats

5 Toes To Bars

5 Chest To Bar

5 Bar Muscle-Ups

5 Thrusters


Crossfit Games Open 21.3 RX (Ages 16-54) (Time)

For total time:

15 front squats

30 toes-to-bars

15 thrusters

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 front squats

30 chest-to-bar pull-ups

15 thrusters

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 front squats

30 bar muscle-ups

15 thrusters

Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3.

F: 65 lb. for the front squats and thrusters

M:95 lb. for the front squats and thrusters

Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.3 RX (Ages 16-54) click here
– This workout will be all about the gymnastics for most athletes.

– Managing grip and shoulder fatigue early on will be extremely important.

– Score: Time. Add 1 second for each rep not completed under the time cap.

Crossfit Games Open 21.3 Scaled (Ages 16-54) (Time)

For total time:

15 front squats

30 hanging knee-raises

15 thrusters

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 front squats

30 chin-over-bar pull-ups

15 thrusters

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 front squats

30 chest-to-bar pull-ups

15 thrusters

Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3.

F: 45 lb. for the front squats and thrusters

M: 65 lb. for the front squats and thrusters

Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.3 Scaled (Ages 16-54) click here

Crossfit Games Open 21.3 Masters RX (Ages 55+) (Time)

For total time:

15 front squats

30 toes-to-bars

15 thrusters

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 front squats

30 chin-over-bar pull-ups

15 thrusters

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 front squats

30 chest-to-bar pull-ups

15 thrusters

Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3.

F: 45 lb. for the front squats and thrusters

M: 65 lb. for the front squats and thrusters

Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.3 Masters RX (Ages 55+) click here

Crossfit Games Open 21.3 Teens RX (Ages 14-15) (Time)

For total time:

15 front squats

30 toes-to-bars

15 thrusters

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 front squats

30 chest-to-bar pull-ups

15 thrusters

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 front squats

30 bar muscle-ups

15 thrusters

Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3.

F: 45lb. for the front squats and thrusters

M: 65 lb. for the front squats and thrusters

Time cap: 15 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.3 Teens RX (Ages 14-15) click here


Crossfit Games Open 21.4 RX & Scaled (Ages 16-54) (Weight)

Complete the following complex for max load:

1 deadlift

1 clean

1 hang clean

1 jerk

Time begins immediately following the completion of 21.3.

Time cap: 7 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.4 RX & Scaled (Ages 16-54) click here


1. Have a easy weight, a goal weight, and a reach weight in mind and set plates on the floor that allow for easy loading. Shoot for 75-85% of your 1RM Clean And Jerk.

2. Plan out 1-2 minute breaks between sets.

Crossfit Games Open 21.4 Masters RX & Scaled (Ages 55+) (Weight)

Complete the following complex for max load:

1 deadlift

1 clean

1 hang clean

1 jerk

Time begins immediately following the completion of 21.3.

Time cap: 7 min
To learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.4 Masters RX & Scaled (Ages 55+) click here