MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Minutes on a Bike or Rower


PVC Around The World: 10 Reps

PVC Cuban Press: 10 Reps

Barbell Thoracic Opener: 1 Minute

2 Rounds For Quality:

25 ft. Single Arm Overhead Carry

6 Strict Toes To Bar

15 Banded Good Mornings

Row 15 Meters


Back Squat (12 – 6 – 3)

– 12 Reps @ 94% of 10RM Back Squat

– 6 Reps @ 102% of 10RM Back Squat

– 3 Reps @ 109% of 10RM Back Squat

– We’ll start with lighter weights/high reps and move towards heavier weights/lighter reps over these 3 sets

– If you don’t know you’re 10RM, you can estimate your 10RM as roughly 75% of your 1RM Max or 85% of your 5RM


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


10 Power Snatches (95/65)

20 Overhead Squats (95/65)

30 Toes to Bar

40 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (40/25)

Rx+ (115/85) & (50/35)
– For the DB Hang C&Js, we’ll alternate arms every 5 reps for this station

– After cleaning the bell from between the legs to the shoulder, you can push press or push jerk the weight overhead

– Please note the Rx+ weight options. If you click Rx+ you better do everything Rx+!