MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Front Rack Stretch on Box – 2 minutes

Couch Stretch – 1 minute each side

Calf Stretch on Post – 1 minute each side

500 Meter Row (200 Easy – 200 Moderate – 100 Hard)


3 rounds:

5 inch worms

10 alternating cossack squats

5 strict toes to bar


Front Squat (On the minute for 10 minutes)

• The goal is to build to a heavy single over the 10 minutes

• you don’t have to go up every set, but the aim is to climb in weight


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


50/35 cal Assault Bike

100 Double Unders

Time Remaining:

Max Power Snatches (95/65)
• Your score today is total completed power snatches

• You can expect to have about 3-4 minutes to accumulate power snatches