MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds
100m Jog
10 Knuckle Drags (5 Each Side)
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings (Light)
5 Strict Pull-ups
Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Strict Press & Reach
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds:
400 Meter Sand Bag Run (50/35)
400 Meter Run
5 Rope Climbs
21-15-9 Power Snatches
Round 1: 21 Reps at 95/65
Round 2: 15 Reps at 115/85
Round 3: 9 Reps at 135/95
This 3 round workout should take around 18-28 minutes to complete
We have 800 meters of running in each round
The first 400 is to be completed with a weighted object of some kind – ideally a san bag if you have one, a moderate weight that you can run with the whole time
The second 400 meter loop is completed with no weight
Choose a rope climb number or variation that allows you to complete the 5 reps in no longer than 2:30 (30 Seconds Per Rope Climb)
25 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Lower reps
The power snatch reps drop with each round as the weight increases
Round 1: 21 reps at a light weight that you could complete for 21+ reps unbroken when fresh
Round 2: 15 reps at a light-moderate weight that you could complete for 12+ reps unbroken when fresh
Round 3: 9 reps at a moderate weight that you could complete for 6+ reps unbroken when fresh
At Home
EQUIP: Metcon (Time)
1 Round:
400 Meter Easy Jog
2 Rounds:
30 Seconds Spiderman Stretch
30 Seconds Samson Stretch
30 Seconds Inchworm to Push-ups
3 Rounds:
10 Mountain Climbers (10 Each Leg)
10 Single Dumbbell Deadlifts (5 Each Side – Hit Between Feet)
10 Reverse Lunges (5 Each Side)
For Time:
50 Burpees
1 Mile Run
75 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches
1 Mile Run
100 Meter Walking Lunge
In this steady grind of a workout, the goal is to keep moving forward as much as possible by pushing through larger sets of dumbbell power snatches
This long chipper workout should take around 25-35 minutes to complete
NONE: Metcon (Time)
1 Round:
400 Meter Easy Jog
2 Rounds:
30 Seconds Active Spidermans
30 Seconds Active Samson
30 Seconds Inchworm to Push-ups
3 Rounds:
10 Mountain Climbers (10 Each Leg)
10 Odd Object Deadlifts
10 Reverse Lunges (5 Each Side)
For Time:
50 Burpees
1 Mile Run
75 Odd Object Ground to Overhead
1 Mile Run
100 Meter Walking Lunge
In this steady grind of a workout, the goal is to keep moving forward as much as possible by pushing through larger sets of odd object G2OH
This long chipper workout should take around 25-35 minutes to complete