MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Easy Row

Active Samson

Knuckle Drags

Moderate Row

Active Spidermans

Bodyweight Good Mornings

Faster Row

Push-up to Down Dog

Russian Baby Makers

Barbell Warmup

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Strict Press & Reach

5 Romanian Deadlifts

5 Front Squats


Romanian Deadlift (1×5)

Spend 10 a 15 minutes working up to a heavy set of 5 unbroken RDLs. Goal of 5 sets which gives you plenty of rest between sets.

Demo video


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

1,000 Meter Row

Directly Into…

3 Rounds:

21 Deadlifts (135/95)

15 Lateral Barbell Burpees

9 Push Jerks (135/95)
• The 1,000 meter row serves as a buy-in to the 3 round triplet that follows

• This means the row is only completed once – you won’t return to the machine after completing the initial 1,000 meters

• Your score is the total time it takes to complete the 1k row and 3 rounds of 21-15-9

• We expect this workout to take 12-20 minutes to complete

At Home

EQUIP: Metcon (Time)

For Quality

60 Second Jog

6 Inchworms

6 DB Strict Press

6 Broad Jumps

40 second Jog

4 Inchworms

4 DB Strict Press

4 Broad Jumps

20 second Jog

2 Inchworms

2 DB Strict Press

2 Broad Jumps

Demo video


5 Rounds For Time:

400m Run

30 DB Goblet Thrusters

30 Lateral Hops over DB

Demo video
• In this 5 round triplet workout, the focus is maintaining consistency over the 5 rounds

• Run at a moderate pace that you could sustain for all 5 rounds and that allows you to thrive on the goblet thrusters

• Goblet Thrusters will be completed with a single dumbbell held with a hand on either end of the dumbbell

NONE: Metcon (Time)


For Quality

60 Second Jog

6 Inchworms

6 DB Strict Press

6 Broad Jumps

40 second Jog

4 Inchworms

4 DB Strict Press

4 Broad Jumps

20 second Jog

2 Inchworms

2 DB Strict Press

2 Broad Jumps

Demo video


5 Rounds For Time:

400m Run

30 “Odd-Object” Thrusters

30 Lateral Hops over “Odd-Object”

• In this 5 round triplet workout, the focus is maintaining consistency over the 5 rounds

• Run at a moderate pace that you could sustain for all 5 rounds and that allows you to thrive on the thrusters

• Set up your Odd-Object weight for something that will allow for thrusters to be completed in 1-2 sets

• For the lateral hops, let’s make sure we’re choosing something to hop over that will keep us moving