MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds

30 Seconds Each:

Bike (Increasing Intensity)

Inchworm to Push-ups

Straight Leg Sit-ups

Superman Hold

Barbell Warmup

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Strict Press & Reach

5 Romanian Deadlifts

5 Front Squats


Warm-up (No Measure)

Barbell Assisted Straddle Stretch: 1 Minute

Pike Stretch: 1 Minute

Puppy Pose: 1 Minute


Romanian Deadlift (Build to a moderate, not max, set of 6)

This lift starts with bar at hip level with a “clean grip”. Your shoulders should be back behind the bar, chest up, your back remains flat, and your knees just slightly bent. This will be your starting position. (Hang Position)

Lower the bar by moving your butt back as far as you can. Keep the bar close to your body, your head looking forward, your shoulders back and let the bar slide down your legs. Done correctly, you should reach the maximum range of your hamstring flexibility just below the knee. Any further movement will be compensation and should be avoided!

At the bottom of your range of motion, return the starting position by driving the hips forward to stand up tall, keeping weight in your heels. Complete the lift standing tall with shoulders behind the bar.


COMP: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


3 Deadlifts (205/145)

3 Toes to Bar

3 Calorie Assault Bike

6 Deadlifts (205/145)

6 Toes to Bar

6 Calorie Assault Bike

Up By 3’s Until Finished

FIT: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


3 Deadlifts (155/105)

3 Knees to Chest

3 Calorie Assault Bike

6 Deadlifts (155/105)

6 Knees to Chest

6 Calorie Assault Bike

Up By 3’s Until Finished

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


3 Deadlifts (95/75)

3 Toes to Rig

3 Calorie Assault Bike

6 Deadlifts (95/75)

6 Toes to Rig

6 Calorie Assault Bike

Up By 3’s Until Finished

Extended Work

Warm-up (No Measure)

Athlete’s Choice: Spend 10-15 minutes working on a strength component you may have missed, mobility or one or two skills that need improvement.


— Upper Body —

1. Puppy Pose – 1:00

2. T Stretch – 1:00/each side

3. Shoulder to Floor – 1:00/each

4. Wrist Stretches – 1:00

— Lower Body —

1. Pigeon Pose – 2:00/each

2. Butterfly – 1:30

3. Pike – 1:00

4. Straddle – 1:00

5. Kneeling Split – 1:00

6. Calf Stretch – 1:00/each

7. Couch Stretch – 2:00/each