MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)


50 Meter Run

Pick a Card

Card Corresponds to Warmup Movement and Number of Reps:

Hearts: Air Squats

Spades: Mountain Climbers (Each Side)

Clubs: Reverse Lunges

Diamonds: Hollow Hold Seconds


Warm-up (No Measure)

Chest Stretch: 1 Minute

Kettlebell Calf Smash: 45 Seconds Each Side

Up Dog: 30 Seconds


Move Weight (2 Rounds for weight)

On a 12:00 running clock, you and your partner will score your heaviest lifts. Choose 1 from each category.

Round 1 (Lower Body):

Deadlift, Back Squat, or Front Squat

Round 2 (Upper Body):

Bench Press, Push Press, Jerk (any)


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

Teams of 2

52 Cards

Hearts: Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

Spades: Burpees

Clubs: Wall Balls 20/14

Diamonds: Goblet Squats (53/35)

Aces: 200 Meter Run

Extended Work

Barbell Yoga (2 Rounds for weight)

w/ Snatch Grip:

3 Snatch Deadlift

3 Jump Shrugs (keep your heels down until you hit the pocket)

3 High Pulls (Elbows high and outside)

3 Muscle Snatch (no rebending your knees)

3 Overhead Squats

3 Snatch Grip Push Press

3 Snatch Lands (deeper each time, see video below)

3 Snatch Drops (hold for 2 sec in BOTS)

3 SOTS Press

3 Duck Walks forward

3 Duck Walks back

RX+: 2 Rounds with Barbell (45/35)

RX: 1 Rd with PVC then 1 with Barbell (35/15)

Scaled: 2 Rounds with PVC

Snatch Drops & Snatch Lands

SOTS Press

Duck Walks (you have to use a barbell or PVC)