MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)


2:00 Easy on Any Machine


Upper Body

1. Banded Shoulder Distractions – 1:00/side

2. Front Rack Stretch – 1:00

3. Wrist Stretches – 1:00/side

Lower Body

1. Bottom Squat Hold – 1:00

2. Pigeon Stretch – 1:00/side

3. Calf Stretch on Post – 1:00/side


2 Rounds for Quality

10 Scap Pull-Ups

10 Down Dog to Push-Ups

50′ Single DB Overhead Carry/side

250m Row


Stamina Squats

Stamina Squats

On the Minute x 16 (8 Rounds):

Min 1 – 1 Front Squat

Min 2 – 2 Back Squats

Single barbell, loaded throughout at 85-87% 1RM Front Squat.

– First week back from our de-load.

– Climbing “back up” the rep scheme we began in the front half of the cycle.

– In each iteration, we are looking to increase by 3-5% respectively.

– So from two weeks ago, we are looking to go by feel, and make a judgement call on an appropriate jump for us (based on how that previous session went).


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


20 Wallballs (20 / 14 lb)

20 Power Snatches (75 / 55 lb)

20 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

20 Push Presses (75 / 55 lb)

20/14 Calorie Row

– Conditioning Category: Pacer

– Sharing resemblences to “Fight Gone Bad”, the premise is light loads completed in large sets.

– Each movement is intended to be at a weight we could cycle for 25+ reps unbroken, when fresh.

– Check the clock after a single round, leaning into that round time as a baseline to work with.