MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up 1 (No Measure)

200 Meter Run


2 rounds (w/PVC)

10 Air Squats

10 Samson Stretch

10 Pass-Through

10 Push Press

10 Good Mornings

10 Elbow Rotations

10 Arch Hold

10 Hollow Body Hold


200 Meter Run


Redemption (Time)

400 Meter Run

40 Hand-Release Push-Ups

40 Box Jumps (24/20)

40 Push Press (75/55)

40 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups

40 Hang Power Cleans (75/55)

40 Double Unders (80 Singles)

40 Front Squats (75/55)

40 Burpees

400 Meter Run

After Party

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Gymnastics Conditioning


5/3 Calorie Assault Bike, 1 Strict Handstand Push-Up

5/3 Calorie Assault Bike, 2 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

5/3 Calorie Assault Bike, 3 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Continue to add (1) strict HSPU per round until capped.

Rest 1:00


5/3 Calorie Assault Bike, 1 Kipping Handstand Push-Up

5/3 Calorie Assault Bike, 2 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups

5/3 Calorie Assault Bike, 3 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups

Continue to add (1) kipping HSPU per round until capped.

– Two part workout, with total reps being the final score.

– One calorie on the bike is worth a point, just like one handstand pushup.

– On both AMRAP’s, the bike calories stay the same while the HSPU reps climb.