MobTown CrossFit – Kong Conditioning

Core Work

6 Rounds:

:30 Plank Hold

:20 Rest

4 Rounds not for time:

10 Alternating Limb Raises in Plank Hold

10 Alligator Rolls + Tuck Up

20 Hollow Body Rocks

scale of Alt Limb Raise in Plank

Alligator Roll

1 Round:

:45 Plank Hold

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Each couplet is a 5 min AMRAP with 1 min to transition to next the next couplet

50m Sled Walk 25m forward 25m backwards (90/50)

50 Sled Push (90/50)

200m Run

(Use runway behind restroom for 50m)

15 DB Thrusters (55/35)

15 Pull-Ups

15 Box Jumps

7/5 Cal Assault Bike

Each couplet is meant to be a sprint. You will have a minute of rest between AMRAPs, so work for the rest.

Rx+ – 20/14 vest