MobTown CrossFit – Kong Conditioning

Quality over Quantity!

Core Work

5 Rounds, not for time

20 Hollow Rocks

10 Alligator Rolls

5 V Ups from Hollow Body Position
Alligator Rolls

Bar Hang (Time)

Exactly what it sounds like. We are building grip strength. Hang from the bar in your pull up/t2b grip with NO GRIPS.

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Attack of the EMOM

“Grip, what grip?”

EMOM x 16

Alternate stations A, B, C, and D

A: Minute 1

3-5 Strict Handstand Push-ups

5-10 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups

B: Minute 2

3-5 Strict Pull-Ups

5-10 Kipping Pull-Ups

C: Minute 3

5-10 American Swing KB 70#/53#

10-15 Russian Swings 70#/53#

D. Minute 4:

100m Sprint
You will perform each station 4 tmes, alternating a total of 4 rounds.

Minute 1 and 2: the goal is to start with a strict movement and then finish with an easier or kipping variation.

Minute 3: the same kb foe an unbroken set shoul be used.

Minute 4: you should be able to complete this station in :40 or less

Scale movements as needed (use ab-mats, pull-ups with feet out using a barbell, lighter kb, shorter run).