MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit
1. Movement Prep/Activation
8 min AMRAP
5 Kip Swings
5 Dynamic Squat Stretch
3 Inch Worms
3 Up-downs over bar
10 PVC Passthroughs
2. Strength Prep
Heavy Single Back Squats (10:00)
3. Workout Prep
1 set:
3 Pull Ups
3 Back Squats
3 Burpees
2 Chest to Bar
2 Front Squats
2 Burpee to 6in target
Back Squat
– Heavy Single (10-12 minutes)
* Rest a little longer than normal between sets when you reach heavier weights *
COMP: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
30 Pull-ups
30 Back Squats (95/65)
30 Burpees
-Rest 1:00-
20 Chest to Bar
20 Front Squats (115/80)
20 Burpees to 6 inch target
-Rest 1:00-
10 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Overhead Squats (135/95)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Target time each set:
Set 1: 3:30-4:30
Set 2: 3:00-4:00
Set 3: 2:30-3:30
Time cap each set:
Set 1: 6:00
Set 2: 5:00
Set 3: 4:00
Total workout time cap (including rest): 17 minutes
The stimulus for the workout today is moderate-high intensity while testing gymnastic and leg endurance
FIT: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
25 Pull-ups
30 Back Squats (75/55)
25 Burpees
-Rest 1:00-
15 Chest to Bar
20 Front Squats (95/65)
15 Burpees to 6 inch target
-Rest 1:00-
7 Bar Muscle Ups (Or 14 Strict Pull Ups)
10 Overhead Squats (115/80)
7 Bar Facing Burpees
BURN: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
20 Ring Rows
20 Dumbbell Squats (light)
20 Up Downs
-Rest 1:00-
15 Jumping Pull Ups
15 Dumbbell Squats (light)
15 Up Downs to 4in Target
-Rest 1:00-
10 Jumping Chest to Bar
10 Dumbbell Squats (light/mod)
10 Burpees