MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate

Every minute (9:00)

Minute 1: 3 Inch Worms + 6 Russian Kettlebell Swings

Minute 2: 10/8 Calorie Row (build in pace)

Minute 3: 5 Seated Empty Bar Shoulder Press (1-second pause at the top)

2. Strength

10-12 minutes to establish a Heavy Shoulder Press

3. Workout Prep

2 sets:

3 Bench Press (build in weight)

1 Rope Climb (half way)


Shoulder Press

10-12 minutes to establish a Heavy Shoulder Press


COMP: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

18:00 AMRAP


Bench Press (185/110)


Rope Climb (Or 12-8-4 Elevated Ring Rows)

*Repeat the 6-4-2 and 3-2-1 sequence for the full 18:00
Target Reps: 108+ reps (6+ Rounds)


Reps before Scaling: 72 (4 Rounds)

Stimulus is moderate intensity. Working with purpose on both movements while using the time between to rest and avoid muscle failure. You will be rotating through this for a long time. Let’s take our time and not try sprinting the first few rounds.

FIT: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

18:00 AMRAP


Bench Press (155/95)


Rope Climb (Or 8-6-4 Elevated Ring Rows)

-Repeat the 6-4-2 and 2-1-1 sequence for the full 18:00
Target Reps: 108+ reps (6+ Rounds)


Reps before Scaling: 72 (4 Rounds)

Stimulus is moderate intensity. Working with purpose on both movements while using the time between to rest and avoid muscle failure. You will be rotating through this for a long time. Let’s take our time and not try sprinting the first few rounds.

BURN: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

18:00 AMRAP


Dumbbell Bench Press (light)

Ring Row

-Repeat the 10-8-6 sequence for the full 18:00