MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

2:00 Machine


3 rounds (6-8 minutes)

10 Front Rack Walking Lunge + Shoulder Press (bottom of each lunge/empty bar or PVC)

10 Alternating V-Ups

10 Jumping Air Squats

5 Up Downs

**2. Skill Work**

This week, athletes will be working up in weight to a heavy 1 Push Press + 1 Split Jerk in 5 working sets. This is to build strength and stability in the overhead position. Constantly remind athletes to always recover with their front foot (Split Jerk) and take a second to regrip/tighten the core after the Push Press to go into the Jerk. Bars can be taken from the rig but athletes should step back far enough so that bar won’t be dropped into the rig if the lift is missed. Due to mobility restrictions or not being comfortable, athletes should Push Press + Push Jerk.

**3. Workout Prep**

3 rounds

2 Burpee Facing Line

1 Shuttle Run

* Increase speed each round to workout pace or what might feel comfortable *


Push Jerk + Split Jerk

1 Push Press + 1 Split Jerk x 5 Working Sets

* 10-15 minutes *

Perform from the Squat Rack


COMP: Metcon (Time)


Synchro Line Facing Burpees


Shuttle Runs after each set of Burpees

* 1 shuttle run equals 25ft down + 25ft back *

Target time: 12-14 minutes

Time cap: 18 minutes


The stimulus for today’s workout is moderate-high intensity. Athletes are moving together the whole time with a planned out pace. They shouldn’t be afraid to adjust in order to keep moving and push until the end.

FIT: Metcon (Time)


Line Facing Burpees


Shuttle Runs after each set of Burpees

Target time: 12-14 minutes

Time cap: 18 minutes


The stimulus for today’s workout is moderate-high intensity. Athletes are moving together the whole time with a planned out pace. They shouldn’t be afraid to adjust in order to keep moving and push until the end.

Accessory Work

Flat Bench DB Chest Fly

4 sets: 12 reps

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a light/moderate weight and stay the same across sets

Focus: Lying on a bench, extend two dumbbells towards the ceiling. Keeping a slight bend in the elbows, lower the dumbbells out to the sides. Dumbbells should be kept in line with the sternum or slightly lower. Shoulders should be loaded back against the bench through the entire movement. Refrain from going deeper than the level of the bench at end range. Movement can also be performed while lying on the floor

Narrow Stance Elevated Heel Goblet Squat

4 sets: 10 reps

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

*Build to a moderate weight; stay the same or build across sets

