MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

3 sets or 6 minutes

20 Plate Toe Touches

5 Up Downs

10 PVC Pass Throughs

5 PVC Overhead Squats

– into –

3 sets (Empty Barbell)

3 Hang Snatch High Pull

3 Hang Muscle Snatch

3 Snatch Push Press

3 Hang Squat Snatch

**2. Strength Prep**

10:00 (3RM Hang Snatch)

After Warm Up, you have10 minutes to work up to a Heavy 3 RM. Remember, for 3RM, encourage athletes to go by feel and make smart/calculated jumps. If it doesn’t feel good or look good, don’t have them add weight. The goal should be to find a 3RM in 5-6 working sets.

10:00-15:00 (Snatch Deadlift)

Once you reach your 3RM, hit a few practice snatch grip deadlifts and then finish with 3×3 @90% of 1RM. If you don’t have a max, then keep the weight moderate and work on form.

**3. Workout Prep**

1 set

1 Bar Muscle Up or Chest to Bar

2 Power Snatch

2 Burpee over Bar

2 Clean and Jerk

10 Double Unders


Hang Snatch

Work up to a 3 RM. Hang position is anywhere above the knees, complete unbroken.

Try and reach a heavy 3 rep in 5-6 working sets (not including light warm up set).

Snatch Grip Deadlift

3 Snatch Deadlift x 3 Sets @90% 1RM Snatch

Work up to a comfortable heavy set.

Stay tight! focus on keeping hips low, chest high and smooth bar path.


COMP: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

AMRAP 2 Minutes

10 Bar Muscle Ups or 20 Chest to Bar

Max Double Unders

-Rest 2 Minutes-

AMRAP 2 Minutes

10 Power Snatches (115/80)

Max Burpee Over Bar

-Rest 2 Minutes-

AMRAP 2 Minutes

10 Bar Muscle Ups or 20 Chest to Bar

Max Double Unders

-Rest 2 Minutes-

AMRAP 2 Minutes

10 Power Clean and Jerks (115/80)

Max Burpee Over Bar
Score is total reps across all rounds.

Target number of Reps each set:

Sets 1 & 3: 70+ reps

Sets 2 & 4: 30 reps

Minimum number of reps before scaling:

Sets 1 & 3: 18+ Reps

Sets 2 & 4: 10 reps

Stimulus is moderate to moderate high intensity.

You will have four 2 min AMRAPs that contain a “buy-in” movement followed by a max rep movement.

Goal should always be to keep Muscle Ups, Power Snatch and Clean & Jerks reps under 60 seconds.

FIT: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

AMRAP 2 Minutes

20 Pull-Ups OR 20 Ring Rows

Max Single Unders

Rest 2 Minutes-

AMRAP 2 Minutes

10 Power Snatches (95/65)

Max Burpee Over Bar

Rest 2 Minutes

AMRAP 2 Minutes

20 Pull-Ups OR 20 Ring Rows

Max Double Unders

Rest 2 Minutes

AMRAP 2 Minutes

10 Power Clean and Jerks (95/65)

Max Burpee Over Bar
Score is total reps across all rounds.

Target number of Reps each set:

Sets 1 & 3: 70+ reps

Sets 2 & 4: 30 reps

Minimum number of reps before scaling:

Sets 1 & 3: 18+ Reps

Sets 2 & 4: 10 reps

Stimulus is moderate to moderate high intensity.

You will have four 2 min AMRAPs that contain a “buy-in” movement followed by a max rep movement.

Goal should always be to keep Muscle Ups, Power Snatch and Clean & Jerks reps under 60 seconds.