MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**
3 sets
30 second Row (Legs only)
30 Sec Row (Arms only)
5 down dog/seal pose transition
5 World’s Greatest Stretch (each side)
**2. Workout Prep**
1 set
20 Second Row (workout pace)
4 Burpee Over Rower
COMP: Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
10 Sets (1 set every 2 minutes)
Odd set: 300/250m Row
Even Sets: 15 Burpee Over Rower
Target time each set: Sub 60 seconds
Time cap each set: 90 Seconds
SCORE IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU SLOWEST AND FASTEST ROUNDS FOR EACH MOVEMENT (you will have a time differential for the row and the burpees.)
Stimulus for workout is moderate high intensity. Athletes should focus on working at around 75-80% capacity across sets and aim for similar timing for rowing rounds and burpee rounds.
This is a grit test about holding a steady high pace while getting a consistent recovery.
FIT: Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
10 Sets (1 set every 2 minutes)
Odd set: 250/200m Row
Even Sets: 12 Burpee Over Rower
Can do Up Downs + Step Over Rower
Target time each set: Sub 60 seconds
Time cap each set: 90 Seconds
SCORE IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU SLOWEST AND FASTEST ROUNDS FOR EACH MOVEMENT (you will have a time differential for the row and the burpees.)
Stimulus for workout is moderate high intensity. Athletes should focus on working at around 75-80% capacity across sets and aim for similar timing for rowing rounds and burpee rounds.
This is a grit test about holding a steady high pace while getting a consistent recovery.
Bent Over Row
4 sets: 10 reps
*Build to a moderate weight, stay the same or build across sets
Focus: With a double overhand grip, deadlift bar to waist and then lower to a hang position (right above the knees) to start each set. Aim to pull with the elbows (rather than the hands) and bringing the bar to the hips (do not pull high towards the upper abdomen). Focus on getting a strong back contraction with each rep. Minimize the amount of kipping used between reps and feel the stretch in the lats/upper back when lowering the bar back to the hang position with each rep.
Standing Alternating DB Hammer Curl
4 sets: 10 reps (each side)
Focus: Using either an incline bench or the rounded portion of a GHD pad, brace the back of the upper arm against the bench/pad. The bench/pad is used to completely isolate on the bicep and remove assistance from body/shoulder. Attempt very light weight before working sets to get a feel for range of motion/amount of isolation that is placed on the bicep. DO NOT OVERLOAD THIS MOVEMENT BY GOING TOO HEAVY. Curl the DB with one arm braced against the pad and then switch to the other side and complete on the opposite arm to finish the set.