MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

Crossover Symmetry or Banded 7’s with Hip Halo Warmup (Between sets)

– Let’s get two birds with one stone here –


3 sets

1:00 Assault/Echo bike (easy/mod pace)

5 Snatch Push Press

5 Overhead Squats

**2. Strength Prep**

Give athletes 10-12 minutes to work up to a heavy set of 1 Snatch Push Press (from the back rack) + plus 1 overhead squat. Athletes are allowed to take the bar from the rack and should make sure to move far enough back from the rig so that the bar won’t hit the rig if the bar is dropped forward.

**3. Workout Prep**

1 Set (at workout pace):

4/3 Calorie Row

3 Thruster (at workout weight)

15 Double Under


Snatch Push Press + OHS

1 Snatch Push Press + 1 Overhead Squat:

– Work up to a heavy in 10-12 minutes

Using a med ball or box as a target to squat can be sufficient in teaching mechanics.

Goal should be to try and increase from 2 weeks ago


COMP: Metcon (Time)

65-52-39-26-13 Calorie Assault Bike

-Rest 1:1 between sets-

*Sub 50-40-30-20-10

Calorie Echo Bike

*Score INCLUDES Rest
Target Time: sub 15 minutes (includes rest)

Time Cap: 20 minutes (includes rest)

FIT: Metcon (Time)

52-39-26-13-10 Calorie Assault Bike

-Rest 1:1 between sets-
Target Time: sub 15 minutes (includes rest)

Time Cap: 20 minutes (includes rest)