MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3:00 Easy Row

– into –

2 Sets (Empty Bar or PVC)

5 Muscle Snatch

5 Snatch Push Press

5 Overhead Squats

3 Squat Snatch

2 Sets (Empty Bar or PVC)

5 Muscle Cleans

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Front Squats

3 Squat Cleans

– into –

Build up to Workout Weights in snatch and clean

**2. Workout Prep**

2 rounds

5/4 Calorie Row (Same time)

2 Power Cleans + 1 Squat Clean (each, build-up)

– into –

2 rounds

5/4 Calorie Row (Same time)

2 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch (each, build-up)


Metcon (Time)

Partner workout

400m Run together

20/16 Calorie Row (each: at the same time)

40 Power Cleans (155/105)

20/16 Calorie Row (each: at the same time)

40 Power Snatches (95/65)

400m Run

20/16 Calorie Row (each: at the same time)

20 Cleans (185/125)

20/16 Calorie Row (each: at the same time)

20 Snatches (135/95)

20/16 Calorie Row (each: at the same time)

400m Run
40 minute time cap

FIT: Metcon (Time)

Partner workout

300m Run

16/14 Calorie Row (each: at the same time)

40 Power Cleans (115/85)

16/14 Calorie Row (each: at the same time)

40 Power Snatches (75/45)

300m Run

16/14 Calorie Row (each: at the same time)

20 Cleans (155/105)

16/14 Calorie Row (each: at the same time)

20 Snatches (105/75)

16/14 Calorie Row (each: at the same time)

300m run