MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

8 min AMRAP

1 min easy Machine

5 Elbow to floor stretch (each side)

10 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press (each)

20 Single unders

**2. Workout Prep**

2 sets

10 Double Unders

3 Handstand Push-Ups (Strict or Kipping)


**3. Strength Prep**

– Body will be warm after the workout. While explaining the strength, have athletes start getting the bars and progress through the warm-up while adding weight to each set:

Press will be hot! Athletes will probably complain, but that’s ok. This is a prep week, so weight isn’t at our target percentage yet.

2 Shoulder Press (build-up to 75% in 3-4 working sets)


COMP: Metcon (Time)

10 rounds

35 Double Unders

8 Handstand Push-Ups or 5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Target time: 7-9 Minutes

Time cap: 12 minutes


Stimulus for workout is high intensity. Athletes should be prepared to push the pace on each round with the mind set of keeping round under 60 seconds with fast transitions.

We offered 2 options with the Handstand Push-Ups. Athletes should choose one that will allow them to keep the stimulus and stay close to unbroken for majority of the workout.

FIT: Metcon (Time)

10 rounds

35 Single Unders

6 Handstand Push-Ups or 4 Strict Handstand Push-Ups


Shoulder Press (6 x 2)

2 Shoulder Press x 6 sets @75% of 1RM

Same weight across all sets.

* Complete a set every 90 seconds *