MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

2:00 Machine


6 min AMRAP

5 Sit Ups

5 Deadbugs (each side)

5 Deadlifts (start with empty bar – build to working weight)

**2. Workout Prep**

2 sets

50m Run Workout Pace

5 GHD’s (1st set parallel, 2nd set full)

3 Deadlifts (add weight)

After Metcon

**3. Strength Prep**

– Body will be warm after the workout. While explaining the strength have athletes start getting the bars and progress through the warm-up while adding weight to each set:

10 Air Squats (2 sec. pause at the bottom)


2 Back Squats (build-up to 75% in 3-4 working sets)


COMP: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Mr. Joshua


400m Run

30 GHD’s

15 Deadlifts (250/175)
Target number of Rounds: 4 +

Minimum number Rounds before scaling: 3


Workout has been changed to an AMRAP to allow time for strength.

A Classic Hero workout that will test your athletes mid-line endurance and pacing. Stimulus is moderate intensity with consistent pacing on movements to stay moving and aggressive on round times.

FIT: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Mr. Joshua


400m Run

20 abmat situps

15 Deadlifts (205/135)
The workout has been changed to an AAMRAP but the goal is the same and athletes should use the clock as a pace to stay within the target Rounds.

Goal should be 1 round every 4-5 mins.


Back Squat (6 x 2)

6 x 2 @75% of 1RM

Same weight across all sets

* Complete a set every 90 seconds *