MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**

Hip Halo Warm-up


7 min AMRAP

30-sec machine

5 dynamic squat stretch

5 wall balls (focus on cycling arms)

5 GHD’s to parallel (focus on leg extension)

5 Hang Power Cleans (empty bar – build across)

**2. Workout Prep**

2 sets

5 Wall Balls

3 GHD’s

2 Hang Power Cleans (add weight)

– rest 30 second between sets –

**3. Strength Prep**

– Body will be warm after the workout. While explaining the strength have athletes start getting the bars and progress through the warm-up while adding weight to each set:

3 working sets (light)

2 Tempo Front Squats (Just slow and controlled) + 1 Back Squat + 3 Goblet Squats

* Add weight to each set but not heavy *


COMP: Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds

27 Wallballs (20/14)

18 GHD Sit-ups

9 Hang Power Clean (135/95)
Target time: 6-8 minutes

Time cap: 10 minutes

Short and sweet, so ATTACK this one!

FIT: Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds

27 Wallballs (14/10)

18 AbMat Sit-ups (No Arm Swing)

9 Hang Power Clean (115/80)
Target time: 6-8 minutes

Time cap: 10 minutes

Short and sweet, so ATTACK this one!


Front Squat + Back Squat+ Goblet Squat

(2+2+10) x 5 sets.

*Rest 60-90 secs between sets*

Put BB weight as score and final KB weight in notes.

*This should be heavy! Including the goblet squats, but I want those to be fast!

Start at approx 65% and increase a little bit each round on the barbell AND KB. This is not timed so you can share KBs


Set 1:

2 Front squat + 2 Back squat + 10 Goblet Squat @ 65% of 1RM FS / 44#

-Rest 60-90 secs-

Set 2:

2 Front squat + 2 Back squat + 10 Goblet Squat @ 68% / 53#

-Rest 60-90 secs-

Set 3:

2 Front squat + 2 Back squat + 10 Goblet Squat @ 70% / 60#

-Rest 60-90 secs-

Set 4:

2 Front squat + 2 Back squat + 10 Goblet Squat@ 73% / 70#

-Rest 60-90 secs-

Set 5:

2 Front squat + 2 Back squat + 10 Goblet Squat @ 75% / 80#

Accessory Work

Core Work #1

3 Rounds:

:30 plank

:30 Rest

:30 Hollow Rocks

:30 Rest

:30 V-ups