MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
**1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate**
1. [Hinshaw Warm up]
– 10-12 mins of the warm-up and then prepare for the workout –
Walking High Knee Karaoke
Over the Hurdle
Knee to Chest
Cradle Stretch
Walking Samson
Lunge & Twist (Over Front Leg)
Soldier Kicks
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Side Shuffles
Side Shuffle with Jumping Jacks
Toes Out Walk
Toes In Walk
Heel Walk
Toe Walk
Outside Foot Walk
Inside Foot Walk
**2. Workout Prep**
Every min (3 minutes)
100m Run
1st – moderate/fast)
2nd – Fast
3rd – Faster
COMP: Metcon (Distance)
Run 600m (moderate/fast)
rest 2:00
Run 400m (fast)
Rest 1:00
Run 200m (faster)
rest 0:30
* Record each round + Rest time. *
First 600m should be around 60-70% where athletes can keep shoulders and arms relaxed with a conversational/recovery pace.
400m we want to see the effort increase to 80% effort, not sprinting but a fast jog with quicker turn over with feet and arms/shoulders starting to extend.
200m Run will be a 85%+…. Don’t let athletes go all out here. Save a little in the tank cause the 30 second break is definitely not enough to go all out.
Athletes will know immediately into round 2 if their paces are maintainable so have them ready to adjust.
FIT: Metcon (Distance)
Run 500m (moderate/fast)
rest 2:00
Run 300m (fast)
Rest 1:00
Run 100m (faster)
rest 0:30
First 600m should be around 60-70% where athletes can keep shoulders and arms relaxed with a conversational/recovery pace.
400m we want to see the effort increase to 80% effort, not sprinting but a fast jog with quicker turn over with feet and arms/shoulders starting to extend.
200m Run will be a 85%+…. Don’t let athletes go all out here. Save a little in the tank cause the 30 second break is definitely not enough to go all out.
Athletes will know immediately into round 2 if their paces are maintainable so have them ready to adjust.
ROW: Metcon (Distance)
Row 750 (moderate/fast)
rest 2:00
Row 500m (fast)
Rest 1:00
Row 250m (faster)
rest 0:30
Score is total distance.
Bench Press (5 x 5 )
– 5 sets x 5 reps @ 75-80% 1RM Bench Press
* Complete a set every 2 minute, on the minute for 10 minutes *
Set 1:
0:00 – 2:00
5 Bench Press @ 150#
5 Deadlifts @ 225#
Set 2:
2:00 – 4:00
5 Bench Press @ 150#
5 Deadlifts @ 225#
Set 3:
4:00 – 6:00
5 Bench Press @ 150#
5 Deadlifts @ 225#
Set 4:
6:00 – 8:00
5 Bench Press @ 150#
5 Deadlifts @ 225#
Set 5:
8:00 – 10:00
5 Bench Press @ 150#
5 Deadlifts @ 225#
Based off of a 200# Bench press
Based off of a 300# Deadlift
Deadlift (5 x 5)
75-80% of 1RM Deadlift
* Complete a set every 2 minute, on the minute for 10 minutes *
* See Bench Press notes for more details.