MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)


2:00 Easy on Any Machine


Upper Body

1. Barbell Forearm Smash – 1:00/side

2. Wall Pec Stretch – 1:00/side

3. Cross Body Shoulder Stretch – 1:00/side

Lower Body

1. Kettlebell Calf Smash – 1:00/side

2. Calf Stretch on Post – 1:00/side

3. Couch Stretch – 1:00/side


5 Minutes for Quality

1:00 Assault Bike

10 Scap Pull Ups

:30 Handstand Hold

10 Light DB Clean and Jerks


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


30/21 Calorie Bike

30 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks

20 Toes to Bar

10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Dumbbell – 50 / 35 lb

– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Light dumbbell, and one we feel confident in completing that first set of 30 reps unbroken. At most, a single break after that round.

– Switch arms every 5 reps on the hang clean and jerks.

– Looking to challenge our strict HSPU at the end of each round, but, without becoming “stuck”. Ensure the rep scheme we go with today allows for completion in ~2:00 or less.

– Score: Rounds + Reps

After Party

Metcon (No Measure)

Skill Conditioning

3 Rounds (Not for Time):

100 Double Unders

25-50′ Handstand Walk

25 Chest To Bar Pull Ups

25-50′ Handstand Walk

– Not for time. Entirely for practice.

– Each movement total is on the higher end, allowing us to practice and refine consistent sets.

– Handstand walk distance is left open-ended so that we can choose a distance respective to our ability.