MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2:00 Easy on Any Machine
Upper Body
1. Wrist Stretch – 1:00/side
2. Front Rack Stretch – 1:00
3. Banded Triceps Stretch – 1:00/side
Lower Body
1. Frog Stretch – 1:00
2. Banded Hamstring Distraction – 1:00/side
3. Bottom Squat Hold – 1:00
2 Rounds for Quality:
1:00 min Row
Movement Prep
With An Empty Barbell:
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Snatch Grip Strict Presses (All From The Back Rack)
:10s Snatch Grip Overhead Hold
5 Overhead Squats
:10s Overhead Squat Hold
Metcon (2 Rounds for weight)
Strength Stamina
5 Rounds:
5 Deadlifts (75%) of 1RM Deadlift
5 Bench Press (75%) of 1RM Bench Press
Put your bench weight in round 1 and deadlift in round 2.
Strategy: use Min 1 for DL, Min 2 for BP, and Min 3 for Rest
– Barbell stamina with 25 reps on each movement at your respective percentage.
– Weights are intended to be challenging, but doable in at most two sets per round.
– Strategy wise, we may break to even smaller sets, but the theme is that we *don’t have to*.
– If we feel that we are going to *need* more than 2 sets per round, let’s dial back the weight just a bit more to meet that stimulus.
Metcon (Time)
For time:
Overhead Squats (95 / 65 lb)
Toes to Bar
Directly into…
Thrusters (95 / 65 lb)
CTB Pull-Ups
15 Minute Time Cap
– Conditioning Category: Threshold
– Two couplets with related movement patterns leads to the need to take the bigger picture in mind…. don’t get sucked into the first part.
– Light-to-moderate barbell, and one that we could complete 15+ reps unbroken with when fresh on either movement.
After Party
Overhead Squat
Overhead Squat Positioning
5 Sets:
1 Pausing Overhead Squat (10s in bottom)
All percentages based on 1RM Snatch:
Set 1 – 70% of 1RM Snatch
Set 2 – 75% of 1RM Snatch
Sets 3+4+5 – Build to a heavy for the day.
– Dialing in positioning today.
– Find the bottom of our *active* squat.
– That is, everything is firing and we are working for our best possible position here.
– What it is not, is a loose position, where we are sacrificing stability and strength for additional range of motion.
– Visualize ourselves catching a 1RM Snatch here as we sit in the bottom.