MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)


2:00 Easy on Any Machine


Upper Body

1. Hanging bar hold w/ 10 pulses

2. Handstand Stretch – 2 x 0:30

3. PVC Pass throughs – 20

Lower Body

1. Seated Forward Fold – 1:00

2. Frog Stretch – 1:00

3. Banded Hamstring Stretch – 1:00/side


2 Rounds for Quality:

12 kip swings

10 Barbell Good Mornings 45 / 35 lb

8 Hang Muscle Cleans and jerk 45 / 35 lb

6 Deadlifts

4 Air squats

250m row or 8/6 call AB


Metcon (Time)

For Time (with a Partner)

7 rounds of ‘Cindy’

2 rounds of ‘DT’ (155/105)

6 rounds of ‘Cindy’

2 rounds of ‘DT’

5 rounds of ‘Cindy’

2 rounds of ‘DT’

4 rounds of ‘Cindy’

2 rounds of ‘DT’

3 rounds of ‘Cindy’

2 rounds of ‘DT’

2 rounds of ‘Cindy’

2 rounds of ‘DT’

1 round of ‘Cindy’

2 rounds of ‘DT’

1 Round of ‘Cindy’ consists of: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, and 15 Air Squats

1 Round of ‘DT’ consists of: 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, and 6 Shoulder-to-Overheads

Time Cap: 45 minutes