MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
:60 Puppy Pose
:60 Shoulder to Floor
:60 Wrist Stretches
:60 Couch Stretch to each side
:60 Pigeon Stretch to each side
:90 Butterfly
:60 Pike
:60 Straddle
:60 Kneeling Split
Core Work
3 Rounds Tabata Style (:20 on :10 Rest)
8 V-Ups
8 Tuck Crunches
10 Russian Twists with wall ball
Max ab mat sit ups with wall ball
Goal is to try and get number of reps listed. You may get more or less but try to stay consistent across the rounds.
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
EMOM 5×5
1 – Assault Bike
2 – Reverse Lunges
3 – Row
4 – KB Swings (53/35)
5 – Rest
Score is total score of reps. Keep track of each round. You will put your total reps from each round into Wodify. Your round 5 score will be 0 since it is rest.