MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)


2 Minutes of Row, Run, or Bike


2 minutes foam roller

Upper Body

: 60 Puppy Pose

: 60 Shoulder to Floor

: 60 Wrist Stretches

Lower Body

2 Minutes Couch Stretch to each side

2 Minutes Pigeon Stretch to each side

:90 Butterfly Stretch

:90 Pike Stretch

:90 Kneeling Split
20 minute time cap from start of class


Strict Handstand Push-Ups (5 x max effort)

5 sets of max effort STRICT HSPU. If you are unable to do strict HSPUs, use ab mats or pike on the box.


Metcon (Calories)

30 Minute Workout

30 Minute Bike or Row

Every 5 minutes:

5 Strict Pull Ups

100′ Single Arm KB or DB Farmers Carry

:20 Hollow Hold
30 Minute Time Cap

As usual, our Thursday workouts are designed to be as intense or recovery mode as you choose for it to be.

Take your time stretching and loosening up from yesterday’s snatches !

A smooth 30 minute bike session with a triplet of work to be performed every 5 minutes.

Score if needed is calories on the bike or row or combination or row/bike.