MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Upper Body:
1. Puppy Pose: 1 Minute
2. Shoulder to Floor: 1 Minute
3. Wrist Stretches: 1 Minute
Lower Body:
1. Couch Stretch: 2 Minutes Each Side
2. Pigeon Pose: 2 Minutes Each Side
3. Butterfly: 90 Seconds
4. Pike: 1 Minute
5. Straddle: 1 Minute
6. Kneeling Split: 1 Minute
Metcon (Time)
Active Recovery WOD:
EMOM, 25 Minutes:
Min. 1 – :30 L-Sit Hang
Min. 2 – 10 Ring Dips
Min. 3 – 100 Meter Run
Min. 4 – Calorie Bike (15 cal. / 10 cal.)
Min. 5 – Rest
Coaches: Feel free to stagger athletes so that everyone has the Calorie Bike right before the minute rest. Ensure that athletes have appropriate but challenging scales for L-Sit hangs. Your score will be 25 minutes if all 5 rounds were completed within the allotted minute time frame.