MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
:30 Active Samson
:60 Alternating Bird Dogs
:35 Active Spiderman
:60 Shoulder Taps
:30 Down Dog
:60 Front Plank to Push Up Plank
:30 Up Dog
:60 Side Plank (:30 to each side)
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds
100′ Walking Lunge w/Plate Overhead (45/25)
500m row (0.6 mile bike IF out of rowers)
25 GHDs (scale – weighted ab mat situps)
Walking Lunges – Back knee should touch the ground. Reach FULL extension with the lower body before stepping the other foot forward.
GHDs – Today is NOT a good day to start learning how or to “give it a go.” Please SCALE to weighted Ab-mat Situps if you are not proficient with GHDs.