MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Sets
1 Minute Active Spiderman Stretch
1 Minute Side Plank (30 Second Each Side)
1 Minute Wall Sit
Using the wall as back support, sit in a position just below parallel
The hips and shins should both be at 90 degrees
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
100 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
50 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
80 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
40 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
60 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
30 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
40 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
20 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
20 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
10 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
Dumbbell: 55/35
Between each set of air squats and sit-ups, you’ll complete a 100-meter farmers carry
We expect this piece to be on the longer side
The intended time range is around 25-30 minutes
Carry a dumbbell or a kettlebell by your side in one hand
Choose a weight that allows you to complete the 100 meters without dropping
You can also reduce the distance if you have a heavier weight
Switch hands as needed during the walk to stay moving
Use an AbMat if you have it, as it allows the abs to fully flex and extend
If you don’t have an AbMat, you can anchor your feet on dumbbells or under the couch
At Home
HOME: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
3 Sets
1 Minute Active Spiderman Stretch
1 Minute Side Plank (30 Second Each Side)
1 Minute Wall Sit
Using the wall as back support, sit in a position just below parallel
The hips and shins should both be at 90 degrees
For Time:
100 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
50 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
80 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
40 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
60 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
30 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
40 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
20 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
20 Air Squats, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
10 Sit-ups, 100 Meter Farmers Carry
Between each set of air squats and sit-ups, you’ll complete a 100-meter farmers carry
We expect this piece to be on the longer side
The intended time range is around 25-30 minutes
Carry a dumbbell or a kettlebell by your side in one hand
Choose a weight that allows you to complete the 100 meters without dropping
You can also reduce the distance if you have a heavier weight
Switch hands as needed during the walk to stay moving
Use an AbMat if you have it, as it allows the abs to fully flex and extend
If you don’t have an AbMat, you can anchor your feet on dumbbells or under the couch
Kettlebell Farmers Carry
20-30 Second Side Plank (Each Side)
Sandbag Carry
Barbell Front Rack or Back Rack Carry