MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

30 Seconds

Easy Bike

Samson Stretch

Front Plank


Moderate Bike

Spidermans Stretch

Right Side Plank

Reverse Lunge

Faster Bike

Push-up to Down Dog

Left Side Plank

Air Squats


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

24/21 Calorie Bike, 24/21 Calorie Row

100′ Walking Lunge

21/18 Calorie Bike, 21/18 Calorie Row

100′ Walking Lunge

18/15 Calorie Bike, 18/15 Calorie Row

100′ Walking Lunge

15/12 Calorie Bike, 15/12 Calorie Row

100′ Walking Lunge

12/9 Calorie Bike, 12/9 Calorie Row

At Home

EQUIP: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


30 Seconds

Mountain Climbers

Push-up Plank Hold (On Hands)

Spiderman Stretch

PVC Pass Throughs

Moderate Run

Hollow Hold

Inchworm to Push-up

PVC Dislocate

Faster Run

Alternating Bird Dogs

Push-up to Down Dog

PVC Virtual Pull-ups

Warm up Demo video

Metcon demo


8 Rounds (20 Seconds On + 10 Seconds Off):

Strict Pull-ups



Air Squats
Working with all bodyweight movements in this Tabata style workout

Tabata intervals are 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest

You’ll complete all 8 rounds at one movement before advancing to the next

Keep a running count of the numbers completed at each station

Your final score is total reps accumulated over the workout

NONE: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


30 Seconds

Mountain Climbers

Push-up Plank Hold (On Hands)

Spiderman Stretch

PVC Pass Throughs*

Moderate Bike

Hollow Hold

Inchworm to Push-up

PVC Dislocate*

Faster Bike

Alternating Bird Dogs

Push-up to Down Dog

PVC Virtual Pull-ups*

*Use broomstick, rake, curtain rod…


8 Rounds (20 Seconds On + 10 Seconds Off):

Odd Object Rows



Air Squats
Working with all bodyweight movements in this Tabata style workout

Tabata intervals are 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest

You’ll complete all 8 rounds at one movement before advancing to the next

Keep a running count of the rep numbers completed at each station

Your final score is total reps accumulated over the workout

After Party

Warm-up (No Measure)

Athlete’s Choice: Spend 10-15 minutes working on a strength component you may have missed, mobility or one or two skills that need improvement.


— Upper Body —

1. Puppy Pose – 1:00

2. T Stretch – 1:00/each side

3. Shoulder to Floor – 1:00/each

4. Wrist Stretches – 1:00

— Lower Body —

1. Pigeon Pose – 2:00/each

2. Butterfly – 1:30

3. Pike – 1:00

4. Straddle – 1:00

5. Kneeling Split – 1:00

6. Calf Stretch – 1:00/each

7. Couch Stretch – 2:00/each