MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

For Quality

60 Second Bike

6 Inchworms

6 Single-Leg Glute Bridges (Each Side)

6 Push-ups

40 Second Bike

4 Inchworms

4 Single-Leg Glute Bridges (Each Side)

4 Push-ups

20 Second Bike

2 Inchworms

2 Single-Leg Glute Bridges (Each Side)

2 Push-ups

Barbell Warmup

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Strict Press & Reach

5 Romanian Deadlifts

5 Front Squats


Deadlift (15 minutes to build to a heavy set of 2)

Touch ‘n go. No reset or regrip at the bottom.


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)


Buy-In: 50 Wallballs

12 Deadlifts (185/135)

12 Lateral Barbell Burpees

Rest 5 Minutes


Buy-In: 35 Wallballs

9 Deadlifts (225/155)

9 Lateral Barbell Burpees

Rest 5 Minutes


Buy-In: 20 Wallballs

6 Deadlifts (275/185)

6 Lateral Barbell Burpees
Each of these intervals begins with a buy-in of wallballs that only happen once.

With the time remaining, complete as many rounds and reps of deadlifts and bar facing burpees as you can

At Home

EQUIP: Metcon (Time)


For Quality

200 Meter Run

6 Inchworms

6 Single-Leg Glute Bridges (Each Side)

6 Push-ups

100 Meter Run

4 Inchworms

4 Single-Leg Glute Bridges (Each Side)

4 Push-ups

50 Meter Run

2 Inchworms

2 Single-Leg Glute Bridges (Each Side)

2 Push-ups

Demo video


Every 3 Minutes x 7 Rounds:

12 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches

6 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees

12 Alternating Dumbbell Reverse Lunges

6 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees
You’ll work through the 4 stations for time and rest until the next round begins

Rounds begin on the 0-3-6-9-12-15-18

Choose weights or rep numbers that allow you to complete these rounds in 2 minutes or less – giving you at least 1 minute to rest

Your score is the slowest of the 7 rounds

NONE: Metcon (Time)


For Quality

200 Meter Run

6 Inchworms

6 Single-Leg Glute Bridges (Each Side)

6 Push-ups

100 Meter Run

4 Inchworms

4 Single-Leg Glute Bridges (Each Side)

4 Push-ups

50 Meter Run

2 Inchworms

2 Single-Leg Glute Bridges (Each Side)

2 Push-ups


Every 3 Minutes x 7 Rounds:

12 Odd Object Ground to Overhead

6 Lateral Burpees Over Odd Object

12 Odd Object Reverse Lunges

6 Lateral Burpees Over Odd Object
You’ll work through the 4 stations for time and rest until the next round begins

Rounds begin on the 0-3-6-9-12-15-18

Choose weights or rep numbers that allow you to complete these rounds in 2 minutes or less – giving you at least 1 minute to rest

Your score is the slowest of the 7 rounds