April Row Challenge!
How many meters can you row in the month of April? Try to row 20,000 meters or more during April, and see your rowing skills improve! Post your meters accrued on the whiteboard or log your efforts in Wodify to track your progress. Ready, set, ROW!
MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Start by completing 3 burpees and 3 broad jumps. When you finish the broad jumps, roll a wall ball to hit a foam roller. If you miss the target, you must complete a 100 meter run penalty lap before getting back to the burpees. If you hit the target, you can get right back into the 3 burpees and 3 broad jumps. Play for 6-8 minutes. Whoever has the most rounds + reps at the end is the winner.
Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Strict Presses
5 Front Squats
5 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
Warm-up (No Measure)
Front Rack Stretch: 1 Minute
Wrist Stretch: 1 Minute
Overhead Squat (10-10-10)
complete 3 sets of 10 reps adding weight each set.
COMP: Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds:
10 Power Cleans (135/95)
10 Burpees
FIT: Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds:
10 Power Cleans (115/80)
10 Burpees
BURN: Metcon (No Measure)
10 Slam Balls (20/15)
10 Burpees
Extended Work
Back Squat (10-10-10)
Do 3 sets of 10 reps adding weight each set.