MobTown CrossFit – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

20 Seconds

Easy Row

Quad Stretch

Knee to Chest

Straight Leg Kicks

Moderate Row

Walking Spidermans

Walking Samson

Push-up to Down Dog

Faster Row

Air Squats

High Knees

Butt Kickers


1:00 Front Rack Stretch

1:00 Ankle Stretch


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 15: Rx

30 Double-Unders

15 Power Cleans (115/80)

30 Double-Unders

15 Toes to Bar

AMRAP 15: Scaled

45 Single-Unders

15 Power Cleans (95/65)

45 Single-Unders

15 Knees to Chest


Metcon (Time)

5 Strict Pull-Ups + 5 CTB + 1 Bar Muscle-Up

4 Strict Pull-Ups + 4 CTB + 1 Bar Muscle-Up

3 Strict Pull-Ups + 3 CTB + 1 Bar Muscle-Up

2 Strict Pull-Ups + 2 CTB + 1 Bar Muscle-Up

1 Strict Pull-Ups + 1 CTB + 1 Bar Muscle-Up


3 Strict Pull-Ups + 3 Kipping Pull-Ups + 5 CTB Pull-Ups

3 Strict Pull-Ups + 3 Kipping Pull-Ups + 4 CTB Pull-Ups

3 Strict Pull-Ups + 3 Kipping Pull-Ups + 3 CTB Pull-Ups

3 Strict Pull-Ups + 3 Kipping Pull-Ups + 2 CTB Pull-Ups

3 Strict Pull-Ups + 3 Kipping Pull-Ups + 1 CTB Pull-Ups

Modification 2

5 Rounds

10-second negative pull-ups, 10 reps