MobTown CrossFit – Specialty WODs
12 Days of Christmas (Time)
12 Days of CrossFit
1 Thruster (95/65)
2 Handstand Pushups
3 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
4 Front Squats
5 Lateral Bar Hopping Burpees
6 Push Press
7 Ab Mat Sit Ups
8 Kettle Bell Swings (53/35)
9 Toes-to-Bar
10 KB Lunges (53/35)
11 Assault Bike Calories
12 Snatches
Rx+ (135/95) (70/53 KB) and (30/24 box)
Complete this workout as if you were going through the ‘12 Days of Christmas’ song. Start with one thruster, then do two handstand push-ups and one thruster. Then box jump overs, two handstand push-ups, one thruster, etc.
Merry Christmas everyone!